Use the Report Catalog

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure as the basis for generating your reports and letters. For specific steps to generate each preloaded report, refer to the documentation for that report. An alphabetical listing of documented reports can be found here: Preloaded reports, alphabetical listing

Steps to complete

  1. On the Report Catalog window, determine if you want to generate a preloaded report or one you have created as a favorite. Use the table below for your next steps.
What type of report are you generating? Then complete these steps...
  1. Select a report tab.
  2. Highlight the report you want to generate.
  1. Click Favorites. The Report Favorites window displays.
  2. Select the report type in the Type box.
  3. Highlight the report you want to generate.
  1. Click Run. The appropriate window for that report displays.
  2. Enter your report criteria and click OK. The Select Output Destination window displays (in most cases).
  3. Select your report output and click Ok.